Product Selection Tools

Factory Direct Controls: Product Selection Tools

Product selection tools below are meant to be used as a guide for selecting the appropriate HVAC or BAS replacement part. Factory Direct Controls sells HVAC and Building Automation parts from Siemens, KMC Controls, Veris Industries, Automated Components Inc, Johnson Controls, Schneider, and Honeywell. If you need further assistance in the product selection process, please Contact Us.

Siemens Product Selection Tools:

Siemens Simple Select Tool

Siemens HVAC Catalog

Veris Industries Product Selection Tools

Veris Build-A-Sensor Tool

Veris Electric Motor Calculators

Automation Components Inc (ACI) Product Selection Tools

ACI Span to Output Tool

ACI Thermistor Curves

Johnson Controls Product Selection Tools

Johnson Controls Damper Selection Tool

Johnson Controls Product Cross Reference Tool

Johnson Controls HVAC Panel Selection Tool

Schneider Electric Product Selection Tools

Schneider Valve and Actuator Selection Tool

Schneider Actuator Selection Tool

Schneider Product Cross Reference Tool

Honeywell Product Selection Tool

Honeywell Global Field Device Selection Tool